For the past 7, 8 years, everyone talked about the HBO series "Curb Your Enthusiasm" - "great show", "very funny", "smart writing", "addictive".
My lack of an HBO subscription hindered me from watching the show for many years so I was not very familiar with it, other than Larry David (head writer and co-creater of the funniest show ever: "Seinfeld") was the writer and star of "Curb".
For a couple of years my daughter was in an on-again/off-again relationship, and the ex was nuts about "Curb", so much that their agenda revolved around the show. She hated it - maybe because the ex was controlled more by the show than by her.
As I was flipping through Comcast OnDemand choices last night, I noticed that they are playing season one of "Curb" so I thought I would give it a try. Episode One, ok. Episode Two, smartly written. Episode Three, I am intrigued by the characters whose mental derangement overshadows Larry's - yet they see him as nuts. Episode Four, with the ending freeze shot of Larry David having just evicted Richard Lewis from a jewelry store, I am HOOKED.
I feel guilty because I am now loving a show that my daughter hates for personal reasons. I promise this does not mean I am on the ex's team - but I have to keep watching this show!