A lot of crappy things can be said about living in Savannah, but I take exception when people complain about being stuck in traffic for......15 minutes. We have no idea how good we have it. Many computers in the metro areas, (Atlanta, DC, LA, et al) endure commutes which sometimes stretch well over an hour each direction.
With that said, I do have a VERY LONG commute for this area. Both of my jobs are in the downtown area and I live in North Jacksonville, aka
Georgetown. Yeah, I'm a born and bred Savannahian, and I was not happy at all with the circumstances that placed me here, but until major changes happen, I consider this a phase known as a "life lesson". Anyhoo, I digress. My long commute averages 18 minutes one way, via I-16, I-516 and the Southwest Bypass.
There was no hint to the hell that lyeth before me yesterday afternoon when I climbed onto I-16. Yet a mere 1/4 mile up the ramp, there was no turning back and no going forward. Inch by inch cars proceeded forward, and after what seemed forever, I reached the area where the incoming onramp from West 37thth meets up with I-16 and find Mr. Traffic Cop sending me and everyone else on a u-turn to return contraflow back to 37th street.
Once back in town, logistics were no better. Every street was backed up for blocks and blocks and blocks as everyone rerouted back to town from I-16 struggled to find a way west out of the city. After 75 minutes, I finally found my way back home.
Am I complaining? No. I count my blessings I didn't leave work early. Some poor guy
bought the farm, which precipitated the whole mess. It could have been me.