I live in a planned community. There are many individual homes, and there are a few condo complexes; I own a condo. Due to the community amenities (2 clubhouses, 2 pools, tennis courts, basketball courts, fire department subscription, human resources at community level, decorative signs at roads) everyone (homeowners and condo owners) pay monthly subscription for these and the cost is equal - about $25 a month. Each condo complex has additional amenities shared only by those condo owners (monthly terminex service for pests, bi-annual cleaning of exterior of building, landscaping, roofing, parking lot maintenance, and insurance on the exterior of the structure). There are only 8 units in my complex so the cost is high (about $125 a month), whereas the condo complex across the street from me has over 60 units, and their cost is lower (about $115 a month).
I just received a visit from a condo owner from another part of the community. She asked me to sign a petition - the monthly amenities at her complex are going up $8 a month. She is against the increase based on the argument that our economy is in a recession, people are struggling, and their complex is not getting any new or additional services for the increase.
I asked her how long she had lived there - she bought 7 years ago. Had the amenities gone up since her purchase - yes, about $8 increase a few years back. I asked why she is looking for petition signatures from me and the other owners in my complex (the increase only affects her complex) - she said because the more signatures the better, they listen to us all, and we have to be united against this. We discussed how in 7 years the cost of services has increased (lawn maintenance contracts, fire department services, etc.), and therefore, wouldn't an increase in amenities be expected every so often? Her answer - it doesn't matter - we are in a recession and they shouldn't be tacking on more costs. Her argument was that the homeowners only paid so little and condo owners paid so much. I told her when I bought my condo, I was aware of this. I stated "why shouldn't homeowners pay less? They have to maintain their own house structures and lawns and pest control, where we have that taken care of for us." She stated "It's not fair - they get to write theirs off on their taxes, and we don't". I explained they don't get to write theirs off - they only get to write off mortgage interest just like us. I couldn't convince her because she knew a homeowner that included his amenities as a deduction and "no one said nothing to him yet".
Good Lord. Anyone who reads this is probably as exasperated from the reading as I was talking to her. We had a pleasant conversation, but I wouldn't sign the petition. She was truly surprised and amazed that I could not see her viewpoint. I was truly surprised and amazed that she felt that everyone should get everything for no cost - because we're in a recession and people are struggling.
I never mentioned that I don't believe we are in a recession (I think people believe what the nightly news propagandizes), but I did ask her if she worked - yes, she has a great job and so does her husband. I told her I had two jobs and went to school. I don't know if she got my point - if there is a recession, its not hurting her or myself.